Key to Success: Intent, Effort, and the Divine Touch

People keep asking me if there are any ingredients for success.

What should I do to keep moving in life in all aspects?

Let us see the 3 essentials of achievement.

The first – the 3 essentials of achievement

What are the 3 essentials of achievement or success?

If somebody would ask me about a formula, I would tell you there are 3 things that any individual needs to have. 

The first one is what I would like to call Intent. 

The second is the effort, and the third is Divine Grace.

Intent + effort + Divine Grace would lead anybody to a sense of achievement.

What is intent? 

Intent is different from desire, as we all could have a thousand desires daily. I could have a thousand desires – I would like to be that, I would have that, I would like to have been there… 

What is your intent in your life

Desires could be a million, but Intent needs a tremendous passion going within. Whenever a desire is coupled with passion, we call it intent, and any starting point anywhere has to happen only with Intent. 

So, what kind of Intent should I have?

While having an intent, at the most, a human being can have 4 or 5 intents – one for their profession, one for their children, one for their marital relationships, and one for their health, at the most 4 or 5. 

Most often, the Universe is so structured that our Intent has to be fulfilled, provided we fulfil certain conditions. 

We need to see the source of our Intent. 

  • Do I desire something because my brother has it? 
  • Is my Intent coming from comparison with somebody?
  • Is my Intent coming from anger and hurt towards somebody? 
  • Is my Intent coming from a desire to prove something to someone? 
  • I could do something because I love it. 

I would also do something because I want to teach a lesson to someone. I want to show that – hey! I don’t think I am a fool; I am better than you or better than what you think I am. That means my Intent is sourced in pain rather. 

As is the seed, so is the fruit. If the seed is painful, then the fruit also will be painful. 

The journey will begin, and I might be achieved; you see so many people walk up to you and tell you you have the greatest achievements, but I am not happy. 

If I want my journey fulfilled, the seed has to be sourced in joy; the destination is also important. I would also enjoy my journey as well as my destination.

What is my Intent? Am I starting with pain, or am I starting with joy?

Spirituality is something that goes with you; it is there in your thoughts, it is there in your emotions, it is there in every one of your movements, in your experience of pain, in your experience of pleasure, and it is there with you. Spirituality- is that what you are, your essence. 

If this is about Intent, I might create an intent, but then how exactly does my Intent become powerful or weak? 

My Intent is giving me strength every day because of the focus I give to my Intent. Every other day, what are the thoughts that I am having? 

What are the emotions that I am having? Our Intent is joy, but our focus is on fear. 

What is Fear ultimately? 

Fear is what you don’t want to have. 

Fear is something you don’t want to have, and if you focus on it, you go in that direction, right! 

You don’t want to be poor, I don’t want to be poor, I don’t want to fight, I don’t want to be insulted, my God! 

You are going to provoke somebody very innocent if you insult me, you better do that, because you are afraid of it all the time. 

It is that possibility that’ll open up in your life. 

So we need to understand that every time we take an intent, having an intent is not sufficient, but living the Intent is necessary, which means you also focus on the direction of your Intent. 

Now, moving to the next element; therefore, before moving, be very clear about your focus. 

Close your eyes and contemplate what you have been feeling over the past 15 days or one month, what you have been ignoring, and if your emotion has been fear, excitement, anxiety, or joy? 

Moving anything could be your future, and what you evoked came true. 

Take this as your own responsibility and ask yourself this question. 

Would you see my future is going to be beautiful? It is what I want, and then yes, you should go ahead and strengthen your feelings. 

Would you say my future is something I didn’t want, and then you have to decide now that you are not going to give into those emotions, that they are not worth it? 

Please understand whenever we are trying to do something, we know that the world will not appreciate it; we need to appreciate ourselves because that will give us strength. 

Students ask me, can you suggest a way where I need not study but get good results. 

People who want to reduce weight tell me, can you suggest a way where I need not exercise but still my weight would go down. All of us are kids, perhaps. 

Effort – What do we mean by effort? 

We know this is karma bhoomi(Indians believe in karma), or the plane of action. 

On this earth plane, only some can have results if they have come with the efforts they have put in.  

What we are witnessing today is the story of greed, the story of everybody who has fought for their individual survival. 

  • Can we decide that my efforts should be in the direction of cooperation?  
  • Can we individuals decide we would no longer struggle for our survival? 

Take an example of a family; if I am going to say what’s going to happen to me, what’s going to happen to me if everybody is going to say what’s going to happen to me? That means everybody is living in the fear of the other. 

Everybody has the fear of the other; everybody is in insecurity. Everybody doubts everybody else that you are threatening me, that you could do something to me, that you could do something to me, so where is peace? Where is affection? Where is love? 

Therefore, the effort is towards cooperation; let your efforts be mutually beneficial and mutually nourishing, and let them be helpful to you, me, and everybody else. And let our efforts be consistent.

You are prepared to put in consistent effort where taking your business to a higher level is concerned, and you are prepared to put in consistent effort where the starting of your project is concerned. 

But hardly people put any effort into building better relationships. Because we somehow have the belief that relationships are ready-made. They are not; you make them. 

And how long do you make it? I see people telling me how long I work. I am tired. 

You are tired, agreed, but to be born, you took 9 months, right? 

To be born, you took 9 months; an elephant takes 18 months, while a sparrow takes less. 

You want a great relationship to be born; it takes greater time. It does not happen in a day. There are no shortcuts. 

Now, the third element, the most important of the elements, is Divine Grace. 

What is Grace?

Some so many people come and tell me I don’t believe in anything I can’t see agreed. 

Do you believe in love? You don’t see it. 

Everything has power. Please understand the invisible has much more power than the visible. And it is the invisible that runs the visible. And the Divine or God is the invisible. Call this the third element: the Higher Consciousness, the Cosmic Consciousness, and the Collective Consciousness.

How does the Higher Consciousness give me what I want? As a child, I perceived the internet as a big computer, perhaps in which all the information from all the countries was stored. Yes, that’s an idea. 

But later on, I learned that there is no big computer somewhere where all the information is stored. It is just the networking of information stored on various websites. 

Higher Consciousness acts as a network.

When do we need Divine Grace? 

All the time, all the time, it has always been there. Sometimes, we have noticed it, and sometimes, we have not; it is like the mailman has delivered the mail; sometimes, you see the mailman, and sometimes, you do not see it. 

But when I received the mail, I had to know that somebody had delivered the mail. Right! It is exactly that. I must know that there are so many things that I can achieve just with my Intent, just with my effort in the wisdom of suffice. 

But there are some things in which, with the best of my intentions and efforts, I still can’t achieve that, which is when I need Divine Grace. 

Just check your intent and write in the comment section.

About The Author - Jyotstna

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