Few Amazing Things you need to know about Emotional Intelligence

Most people are familiar with general intelligence, including learning, implementing knowledge, and solving problems.

This, however, is not the only type of intelligence available. Some people have emotional intelligence, a greater ability for empathy and compassion.

Emotional intelligence is a new concept for many people. 

Read on to learn more about this trait, including its definition and methods for acquiring it.

What is Emotional intelligence?

Emotional intelligence is a term or concept popularized by researchers in the 1990s. This concept is different from general intelligence.

Emotional intelligence is the ability to explain and influence one’s own emotions. This trait also allows people to explain and influence others’ emotions and behaviour.

Some can experience greater success in life as a result of this understanding.

Emotional intelligence is characterized by five elements.

1. Self-awareness

Self-awareness is the process of being conscious of your feelings and motives. Emotionally intelligent people typically possess a strong level of self-awareness. You are conscious of how your emotions have impacted you and others, and you do not allow your emotions to rule you.


People with the ability to self-regulate do not make impulsive decisions. Before proceeding, you need to step back and analyze the consequences of an action.

3. Self-Motivation

People with emotional intelligence are productive and motivated, and they feel motivated. You think about the huge picture and decide how your actions will see you attain long-term success.


Emotionally intelligent people are less prone to be self-centered. Instead, you empathize with others and their situations rather than blaming them for doing wrong. You are a great listener, a great decision-maker, and well aware of others’ needs and wishes. As a result of this, an emotionally intelligent person is frequently viewed as a loyal and compassionate friend.

5.Social skills

You can now collaborate and work in teams because it is simpler to work. Because of your great communication skills and ability to handle relationships, you tend to be a good leader.

Emotional intelligence examples

What does emotional intelligence sound like?

Here are a few signs that could indicate emotional intelligence:

  • Others see you as an empathetic person, and you are not afraid to be vulnerable and share your feelings, establish boundaries, and say no.
  • Can move along with people in a variety of situations because they are easy to shrug off a rough moment and go on to ask open-ended questions.
  • An outstanding listener who is willing to accept your mistakes and apologize and receive constructive criticism without giving excuses or criticizing others.

A few signs can also indicate a lack of emotional intelligence:

  • They have trouble being assertive or assuming charge and don’t handle feedback well, so they carry grudges.
  • They don’t understand your emotions, are judgmental, easily angered, and have difficulty sustaining relationships.

Can Emotional intelligence be learned?

Some people with emotional intelligence were bred in this way. This trait can be gained with practice for those who aren’t.

One way to study emotional intelligence is by improving your interactions with others. Everyone can be empathetic, but it doesn’t happen naturally.

Make a concerted effort to place yourself in the same situation as others. It will be easier to empathize with their situations and explain why they respond in certain ways by being so.

Another way to increase emotional intelligence is to exercise humility and allow others to shine for their accomplishments.

Just offer a pause to yourself if you are frequently upset, strained, or angry. To better explain the root of your emotions, ask yourself some questions. Leading away from a situation or practising deep breaths are two options for retaining calm.

The key is to understand how to keep your emotions in check and not let them out of your mind.

Take responsibility for your actions and behaviour as well. Instead of placing blame or giving excuses, listen to feedback. Accept the other person’s point of view and then make the necessary improvements or adjustments.

Emotional intelligence is vital in various areas of life, but it is particularly important in the workplace. In fact, possessing this trait could help you advance in your career.

You can develop as an employee and prosper in your field by receiving constructive criticism without blame. 

Emotional intelligence is also effective at work because you are less prone to make impulsive or poor decisions that could risk performance.

Instead, you’ll use logic and reasoning to think about a decision’s consequences before making it. Emotional intelligence is crucial for reaching work success. These people have a better ability to deal with stress, fix complex problems, and connect with others.

Emotional Intelligence and Leadership

Emotional intelligence is also helpful in leadership positions. Leaders supervise and manage people on the job, and as a result, they grow approachable, influential, and decisive.

Leadership frequently entails dealing with stressful situations and addressing issues without complaining or criticizing others. The goal is to create an environment in which others can perform.

Smart leaders are empathetic, and they know how to deal with conflict in a way that energizes their team rather than disheartens it. They’re also conscious of why their team players react in a particular way.

Performance is sometimes linked to emotion, and emotionally smart leaders can discern what gets their team happy. Improving productivity by promoting a cheerful environment can be achieved.


Some people are created with the gift of emotional intelligence, but others must study it first. The ability to recognize yourself and explain the emotions of others can have a positive impact on your relationships and help you succeed in every aspect of life, whether positive or negative.

FAQ’S Emotional Intelligence 

1.How can you build your emotional intelligence?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to build your emotional intelligence will vary depending on your situation and goals.

1. Pay attention to your emotions. When you can identify and understand your own emotions, you can start to manage them better. This will help you become more self-aware and better equipped to handle difficult situations.

2. Learn how to listen effectively. It’s important to be able to listen attentively, not only when others are speaking but also when you’re listening to yourself. Then, it becomes much easier for you to relate empathically and compassionately to them.

2.Is there any connection between emotional intelligence and career development success?

Emotional intelligence is a valuable tool that allows individuals to understand themselves better.

Whenever one is emotionally balanced then there will be progress in career also.

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About The Author - Jyotstna

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