Embrace the Beautiful Flaws: How Imperfection Can Strengthen Your Relationship

A conflict-free relationship or a perfect relationship does not exist in reality. 

Life is a dynamic force. It offers each one of us a wide range of experiences.

Fantasy in Partner Relationships

To look out for an ideal situation where you never argue, quarrel, get angry, or express love and affection all the time is only in one’s imagination.

Of course, this generally happens in movies.

Fascinated by those, most of you expect the same in reality. 

On the contrary, a peaceful relationship is epitomized by the spiritual wisdom of being, where you just allow the other person to be himself or herself.

Perfectly Imperfect

No one is perfect in this universe.

Perfection is a myth. Do you know this is possible only when you realize the futility of trying to understand each other?

Your perceptions and ideas might look very dear to you, but expecting your partner to adopt the same framework creates the problem.

No two people could agree all the time. You are a result of the experience of several factors, like the process of your birth, childhood, weather, and the food that you consume, and it is the same with your partner.

Everyone is Unique

Each of you is unique in your approaches.

Hence, expecting your spouse to have the same view is foolish. As you awaken this truth, you begin to experience your spouse, which gives rise to joy.

For example, if your wife is angry with you, if you connect with her and experience her anger, like how you enjoy your morning walk or a cup of coffee, that would be the most fulfilling moment in your marital life.

Understand that each person carries baggage in our head and is led by our past conditionings and influences. So, everyone is driven by some unresolved forces. That’s why it is highly important to understand oneself before understanding others.

Begin to Know Yourself

Know Yourself

This exercise would certainly put the other person at ease since you’re not trying to complain or reject. This is the ultimate solution for a healthy marital life.

Time for Introspection:

1. Could you mention the issues you have with your spouse?

2. Every time you complained and attempted to change your spouse’s internal attitude, how

did he/she respond to it?

About The Author - Jyotstna

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