Is It Love or a Situationship? 5 Key Signs You Need to Know

These days, being in a romantic relationship does not directly imply being deeply in love.

The meaning of love and commitment, in fact the basis of relationship have changed a lot under the name of modern life.

There exist a few relationships which are not friends with benefits nor love or a partner.

 Then know that it is definetly a Situationship. Its just a matter of convinience.

If you want to advance your relationship, you should be aware of the signs of a situationship. 

You will get a clarity that if you were in a Relationship or a in a Situationship by the end of the blog.

Continue reading!

What is Situationship?


You are virtually more than friends in a situationship, but you are not yet in a committed relationship.

Actually, it is a boundary that separates friendship from a partnership. This relationship and intimacy doesnt have strong foundation.

You have your intimacy to some extent but you are not sure you are comfortable calling it a commitment.

Few say that Situationships are fulfilling,
Few say that they are frustrating,
While few agree they are highly toxic.

Its just like you don’t want to really commit to the relationship. However, you need to enjoy the benefits that you get from a relationship based on convenience.

It is a relationship between two individuals who have feelings for one another like in a romantic relationship. But without formal titles, this type of relationship entails emotional connection.

For some people, situationships are more convenient than long-term partnerships. It is more like a casual relationship. They are not serious about it.

These relationships have an effect on their mental health. As with any possible relationship, situationships are not without their drawbacks.

How do you know if you’re in a Situationship?

Does Intimacy exists without commitment?

It is a very human need to feel close to and intimate with others, and if it is healthy for both partie. They can satiate this need without feeling pressured.

5 Key Signs You Need to Know for a Situationship

No consistency

Meeting frequency is more consistent and usually rises with time in a relationship. However, people in a situationship might only meet sometimes.

It could be for a few weeks; you might see them once a month, and then suddenly, you do not hear from them for almost weeks again.

When relationships progress, there are specific relationship standards you should be aware of.There is cause for concern when things do not happen.

Superficial Talks 

Some have characterized situationships as superficial. Maybe you are familiar with the essentials of the other person’s life, such as their favorite cuisine or past travel destinations. 

Things cannot move forward without affection, connection, and vulnerability. These serve as foundations of meaningful romantic relationships.

Lack of Clarity

Your anxiety may eventually rise from the inconsistency of not receiving regular texts, phone calls, or dates. Furthermore, you can be bored when you just hang out at places without romance.

Sometimes you might even be ghosted.

It may indicate that your relationship is not headed toward something more fulfilling.

Source of Stress

When you bring up the topic of your relationship status, they distance themselves; when you are less responsive, they suddenly become interested. They do not show up when you need them.

The early phases of dating can be an exciting period for some people. But after sometime if you feel confused and anxious, know that its only a situationship. 

Your mental health may be impacted by unclear direction, particularly if you have romantic feelings for the other person.

They Do not See You As Part Of Their Life

As you become close to someone, it’s a natural desire to spend time with them. 

But if they are not available to you or if they have other priorities, then be sure that you are in a situationship. 

They are not serious about taking your relationship to the long term. 

If there is a lack of these integrations, it indicates that the connection is not progressing toward higher levels.

In other instances, a casual hookup or one-night strand with a stranger leads to the development of a situationship. Perhaps you might be waiting to learn more about the individual.

Wrap Up

Instead of merely wasting time on dating apps or binge-watching Netflix or drinking wine, make an effort to spend quality time alone. 

Set your phone aside, switch off the television, and find out what makes you happy and calm. 

Know your Self-worth

Take this opportunity to reconnect with yourself by spending time in nature, curling up with a warm blanket and a candle in dim light, practicing meditation, or listening to calming music.

Situationships can be effective occasionally, particularly if you are searching for something light. Still, both parties must understand each other. If you are beginning to lose patience, it could be time to communicate.

You have to think to find out.

About The Author - Jyotstna

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