Everything You Need To Know About Your Fears

Fear is a natural human emotion that several distinctive factors can bring on.

It is an unpleasant emotion frequently accompanied by physical sensations like sweating, rapid breathing, and an elevated heart rate.

So is it wring if we are afraid of something?

We are not saying fear is bad. But being in the state constantly will take your joy.

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2 Types of Fear

  • Physical
  • Psychological

Physical fear is meant to be afraid of darkness, snakes, or death.

This physical response is often called the “fight or flight” response. It prepares your body to fight or to run.

This biological reaction is most likely a result of evolution, and it is an innate response that is essential for survival.

Fear warns us of the existence of danger or the threat of injury, whether it is physical or psychological.

Anxiety or worry can be a natural response to some situations. Still, it can also cause distress and disruption to your mental health if it is excessive. It can derive from both real and anticipated risks.

Psychological fear is losing identity and a sense of ownership.

Fear can also be a healthy emotion because it keeps us safe and helps us to avoid danger.

Sometimes, it can also be illogical and keep us from trying new things or taking chances.

For example, if you have gone to high-altitude places and have no fear, you might not hesitate to jump from that height.

What are some other common psychological fears?

Pyschological as the name suggests it is purely based on thoughts, our assumptions, beliefs….

There are various kinds of psychological fears which hinders our growth. Let us go in detailed way.

Fear of the Unknown

It keeps us from attempting new things and taking chances. It is the fear of unknown which keeps you to take risks in life. Sometimes it hinders your progress.

Fear of Failure

Fear of Failure

No one likes to fail, right?

But this anticipation stops us from exploring new things and limits our mindset. Fear of Failure will again pull us and stop exploring new things.

What if i fail in this exam, What if i fail in this interview, What if i fail in life….. We are occupied and we do overthinnking with out taking any action.

Just think, is this fear stopping you?

Fear of Rejection

This variety often arises in relationships. Often we fail to express ourselves in relationships thinking the other person might disance from us. We want seek validation before we decide.

It prevents us from forming new relationships or pursuing new opportunities.

Fear of Change

It prevents us from adapting to new situations and embracing new experiences. Life is change and Chage is life. But sometimes being afraid of the change, we dont learn few things. We are accustomed to particular way of living.

Fear of the Future:

A common fear can prevent us from enjoying the present moment and appreciating what we have in our lives right now.No one knows what is the future, infact we even dont know what will happen the next minute.

The statement “Fear is not about the unknown, but in losing the known” suggests that it is not caused by the unknown but rather by the possibility of losing something familiar to us.

It can be scary, leaving us vulnerable and uncertain about the future.

This could be a person, a place, a job, or anything else we have grown accustomed to. 

One example of this is the worry of losing a job.

Many people fear losing their jobs as it provides them with a sense of security and stability. Losing a job can be a painful experience as it can lead to financial challenges and uncertainty about the future. 

Another example is the worry of losing a loved one.

Losing someone that we care about deeply can be a devastating experience. It can leave us feeling lost, alone, and uncertain about the future. This suspicion can prevent us from creating new relationships or getting close to people as we are afraid of the pain that comes with losing someone we care about.

How do we deal with the Fear?

However, it is essential to remember that change is a natural part of life. Nothing stays the same forever, and learning how to adapt to new situations and embrace change is important. 

While feeling afraid of the unknown is natural, it is important to remember that the unknown can also bring new opportunities and experiences.

One way to overcome the fear of losing the known is to focus on the present moment. 

Dont over think

Instead of worrying about what might happen in the future, try to focus on the here and now. 

Take time to appreciate the things that you have in your life right now and be grateful for them. 

This may lessen anxiety and raise emotions of contentment and enjoyment.

Be Mindful 

Practising awareness is another way to overcome the fear of losing the known.

Being aware is observing your feelings and thoughts while freeing yourself from judgment.

Meditation also helps you face your fears and anxieties without being overpowered by them. 

Wrap up

Conquer your fears. There are no shortcuts for easy confidence. It is understood that fear is not in reality.

I mean Psychological Fear. So let us face it. It is in the imagination. So identify it and work on it.

Confront your fears

It is important to remember that change is a natural part of life and that the unknown can also bring new opportunities and experiences.

By focusing on the present moment and practising mindfulness, we can learn to overcome our fears and embrace change.

Have you identified your fears?

Comment us below.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is fear, and why do we feel it?

Fear is an emotional response to a perceived or real threat that activates our fight-or-flight response. We feel fear because it helps us survive and avoid danger, but it can sometimes limit us and cause unnecessary stress.

2. How can I overcome my fears? 

There is no common solution to overcoming fear, but some general steps are identifying the source and nature of your fear.

3. What are some common types of fear, and how can I deal with them? 

Each type of fear has its causes, symptoms, and treatments, but some general tips are seeking professional help. Phobias, social anxiety, panic attacks, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are a few prevalent forms of fear.

About The Author - Jyotstna

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